Care and storage of vanilla pods (GY.I.K)

  • How do I handle, care for and store vanilla pods properly?
  • Should I clean the vanilla pods when they arrive?
  • How long do vanilla pods last if vacuum sealed?
  • How do I know if my vanilla beans have gone bad?
  • If I find mould, are all the vanilla beans ruined?
  • I'm not sure if it's mold or not?
  • What happens if my bars arrive frozen in winter?


Care and storage of vanilla pods


When the vanilla pods arrive, they do not need to be cleaned. The thin outer layer of powder provides natural protection.


  • Temperature: Store the vanilla pods in a cool (15-20°C), dark place.
  • Humidity: Humidity 60-70% is ideal for vanilla.
  • Airtight container: Use an airtight glass or metal container to store the vanilla.
  • Vacuum bag: The vacuum bag provides additional protection against moisture.


  • In an airtight container: The vanilla pods will keep their aroma for 6-12 months in an airtight container.
  • In a vacuum bag: Stored in a vacuum bag, vanilla can keep for up to 2 years.

Signs of decay:

  • Colour: Spoiled vanilla pods turn a greyish brown colour.
  • Texture: The spoiled vanilla pods will be soft and spongy.
  • Fragrance: A spoiled vanilla pod will smell musty or mouldy.


If you find mould on a vanilla pod, it doesn't necessarily mean that the whole pod is ruined. Cut off the moldy part and you can continue to use the mold-free part.

BUT NOT ALL MOULD IS WHAT IT SEEMS!! Since we have been in operation, we have not yet encountered any mouldy bars, but we have encountered some where the sugar has crystallised (precipitated). Such a product shows its high quality.

Not to be confused with the actual mould which is "foamy" and has typical mouldy characteristics!


If the vanilla pods freeze in winter, they are not damaged. Let them thaw at room temperature before using them.


  • You can store the vanilla pods in the fridge, but make sure you store them in an airtight container.
  • You can also use vanilla pods to make vanilla extract, vanilla sugar and vanilla flavouring.

In summary:

The care and storage of vanilla pods is not complicated. If you store them in a cool, dark place in an airtight container, they will keep their aroma for 6-12 months. Cut off the mouldy part and the rest of the vanilla pod can still be used. Freezing will not damage the vanilla pods.

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